present a plan

美 [ˈpreznt ə plæn]英 [ˈpreznt ə plæn]
  • 陈述计划
present a planpresent a plan
  1. We hope to present a plan to the MOE by the end of September .


  2. In the UK next month Lord Mervyn Davies will present a plan to parliament to take female representation on corporate boards to 50 per cent .


  3. People familiar with the matter said Citi had to present a plan of action about possible managerial changes to the board and regulators by the time it reports third-quarter results in October .


  4. If , after five years , losses are incurred by the government on the sale of the troubled assets it purchases through the programme , the US president will have to present a plan to recover the money from the financial services industry .


  5. The council reviewing Japan 's space program is expected to present a new plan this summer .


  6. Can he present a workable plan ?


  7. He hopes to present a three-year plan to the company 's owners by the end of April .


  8. But he then declined either to endorse its findings or present a serious plan of his own .


  9. Then we present a design plan for the real-time monitoring system of production process of Zhanjiang Power Plant according to the investigation into practice requirement .


  10. But first , I 'll present a high-level plan for all the actions required to host an internal application ( or service ) on ServiceMix .


  11. But officials think Commerzbank will be hard-pushed to present a convincing plan by the January deadline .


  12. Thailand has disputed moves by Cambodia to present a management plan for the900-year-old disputed temple on the Cambodia-Thailand border .


  13. By analysis the concentration heat supply system and chinese heat supply status , we present a control plan for the concentration heat supply system , the framework of heat net automation system and it 's implement .


  14. Finally , by effectively using obtained heuristic methods to solve a lot of instances , we study the working principle of the heuristic methods , and present a feasible plan to design the heuristic methods .


  15. The Dublin government will present a four-year austerity plan on Wednesday that aims to slash the deficit without plunging the economy into a slump .


  16. People close to the US carmaker admitted there was " a certain kind of brinksmanship " involved in its decision to retain Opel and present a new restructuring plan .


  17. I say travel but don 't let yourself run dry , indulge in the luxuries but also keep enough for your necessities , and enjoy your present but with a plan for the foreseeable future .


  18. The former deputy prime minister , who was involved in negotiating the original climate treaty in Kyoto , says he will present a " Prescott Plan " to break the deadlock between rich and poor countries .


  19. With the quantification of earning-risk preference of investor , a multi-objective decision making model is given in this paper . We present a systematic investment plan covering the selection of categories , determination of parameters and getting the portfolio .


  20. Now below I present to dear readers a plan of English study for IT workers .


  21. Let 's stick with the present arrangements until a better plan is thought of .


  22. Another strategy is to honestly identify a weakness , one that the interviewer might identify with , and present it along with a plan .


  23. Present Your Boss With a Plan To Fix Your Mistake : When you go to your boss to confess your mistake , you must have a plan for correcting it .


  24. The algorithm and realization of generating process plan module is the core of the snake-like pipe CAPP system . Describe its implement principle and present a algorithm which process plan can be generated automatically by accomplishing the topological sort on two level AOV-Network .
